Convert Adversity into Advantage

Convert Adversity into Advantage
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” said Thomas Edison 💡. He added, “when I have eliminated all the ways that won’t work, I will find a way that works”. Doesn’t this statement resonate with what Pete Rose said about failure? Why is WD-40, a handy lubricant and rust protection solvent, named so? It is because the finished product was created after 39 failed attempts. 🆒 Why should we believe success owes us anything? Why…Continue reading →

Be Creative around Failures

Be Creative around Failures
Just before writing this blog post, I was drinking coffee ☕️and I spilled some on my shirt, thus staining it. Talking about a stained shirt reminds me of Massimo Bottura (Chef patron of Osteria Francescana, a three-Michelin-star restaurant) 🥗. One of Massimo’s employees dropped a dish and stained an expensive carpet. Neither did he scold him nor did he talk about a pay cut. Instead, he created a new dish called Oops! I Dropped the Lemon Tart. This is an…Continue reading →